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You probably found is looking up the music of Juan Garcia Esquivel - the kind of space-age bachelor pad music. You're in the right place! We're the world's first and only touring group that perform Esquivel's music live with a 22-pc Megaband. Why?

Because we're insane I guess. I mean, who else goes and transcribe somebody else's arrangements of somebody else's music and then re-records it?

We do.

Or, maybe you know our story-driven global jazz and exotic chamber quintet.

We jumped off the exotica diving board and ended up in space.

Now, there is even an intergalactic balkan surf-jazz trio formation .

And that is why there is an internet.

If you like these types of musical adventures, I hope you'll join us for updates on our tours, albums, speical fan engagements and more.

We already love you and yet, you still are reading this instead of hitting subscribe.

What's it going to take? A discount?

Ok! You got it.

Join the list and if you shop in our store over the next 90 days, we'll refund up to $10 in shipping on your first order. How's that for nice?

Armchair travel for your ears is around the corner.

Hit subscribe and the musical adventure begins.

Mahalo and aloha,

Mr. Ho / Brian and the Orchestrotica

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